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TIP FAQs for Medical Students

  1. Does this program shorten the residency experience?
  2. Can I apply to TIP into PEDS even though I have not been in the Flint community for my third year?
  3. How many positions will there be?
    Since TIP into PEDS just started, there will only be one position for the 2023-2024 academic year. However, depending on interest and funding, it may increase over time.
  4. Is TIP into PEDS offered at other MSU campuses?
    No. TIP into PEDS is only at the Flint campus, the home of the Pediatric Public Health Initiative and the college's Charles Stewart Mott Department of Public Health.
  5. Will the position be filled?
    Only if there is an excellent fit for both student and program. It is possible that the position will not be filled.
  6. My fourth year schedule is already pretty organized. Will that have to change if I get into this program?
    Most likely. You will work closely with the residency program director (Dr. Gwen Reyes), Pediatric Public Health Initiative director (Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha) and the community assistant dean’s office (Dr. Jennifer Edwards-Johnson) to organize your fourth year. You will have to meet all your medical school requirements, complete at least one sub-internship within your community before October, organize your continuity clinic with the residency, spend some time studying for your Step II exams, and completing public health coursework.
  7. Will I be able to finish all my MPH coursework during fourth year?
    Since the MSU MPH program is largely online and asynchronous, you will be able to finish most of your MPH coursework during your fourth year. If necessary, additional classes may be completed during your residency.
  8. Do I have to pay MPH tuition?
    NO! Thanks to support from the Pediatric Public Health Initiative, TIP into PEDS participants will receive FREE MPH tuition.
  9. Can I apply to this program even though I may not have done my third year required Pediatrics clerkship?
  10. How will my application be reviewed?
    Your application will be reviewed by the Pediatric Public Health Initiative Director and the Residency Program Director according to the same criteria they would use to evaluate a student applying for residency there. The application will be reviewed with respect to how good a fit you will be for the goals of this program and your commitment to pediatrics and public health
  11. Do I still have to go through the residency match process?

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